Friday, December 15, 2017


After receiving edits from Mr. Correa on my Thesis Term Paper, I incorporated them, fixed my formatting errors, and compiled a conclusion. After sending my paper to Mr. Campbell, getting his edits, and applying them, I will submit my paper this evening.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017


Today in thesis I finalized my first draft of my thesis term paper, continuing to use edits that my mentor gave me as well as my personal ones to compile the last two pages of my assignment. This evening I will send it to him and get his feedback.

Monday, December 11, 2017


Today in thesis, I began the period by updating my college information on naviance and then I set-up my online student portal for Rice University. After doing that, I continued work on my thesis term paper based on the outline I composed with my mentor last week. Even though I didn't complete a full draft, I sent what I had to him to review and give feedback on.

Thursday, December 7, 2017


Today in thesis, I began by doing research online and in the textbooks that my mentor gave me last class period, using them to find several new topics to include on my term paper for this semester. After learning about them, I created a new outline that included them, sent it to him, and got his feedback on it.

Tuesday, December 5, 2017


Today in thesis, I was finally able to meet my mentor in person. Since Jostens was here we had to sit in front of the TAG office but nevertheless it was a productive meeting as he brought four books for me to read that give significant, detailed information about anatomy, physiology, and skeletal muscles. In addition, we talked about goals for my project, thesis term paper drafts, future meetings, and just general information about each other. After our meeting, I spent the remainder of the period looking over the books he gave me to read.

Friday, December 1, 2017


Finally, December 1 is upon us. Fortunately, I am in good shape and won't be doing last minute work this evening. Today in thesis, after reading the google classroom posts that Mr. Correa put up, I continued work on my thesis term paper. Based on notes that I brainstormed with previously, I created an outline that will help me write a rough draft next class in thesis.